Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to your frequently asked questions.
No. The James M. Cox Foundation does not fund organizations with a pending 501(c)(3) status. Only organizations that are verified with a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) designation, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service, are eligible to receive donations.
Organizations located outside of the Atlanta area may be eligible to apply for a grant if there is support from or an existing relationship with a local Cox business (i.e. Board representation, volunteer engagement, etc.). In order to meet eligibility requirements, these organizations must seek a letter of endorsement from a local Cox business leader to be submitted along with the application. You can find the nearest Cox location by clicking the “Location Map” link under Giving Guidelines on our webpage.
Please email the foundation at coxfoundation@coxinc.com with the nature of your request as applications from national organizations are considered on a case-by-case basis.
You can preview and print the questions that are asked on the application form by selecting “PREVIEW” on our website page found at www.coxfoundation.com. Once the application has been started, you are able to print a copy of the online application form by clicking the “Printer Friendly Version” link located in the top right hand corner of the application page.
From the webpage select “Submit a New Application.” Enter your email address (or the email address you wish assigned to this account) and click on “New Applicant?” You will be asked to confirm your email address and create a password. Once you create an online account, you will receive an e-mail notification that includes the e-mail address and password required to access your saved application. Please add mail@grantapplication.com to your e-mail address book (or friendly senders) to ensure that messages arrive in your inbox.
No, you can start the application and choose to save and finish it at another time. Just click the “Save and Finish Later” button located at the bottom of each application page. When you are ready to continue entering information, select “Return to a Saved Application” found at the bottom of our webpage. You will be asked to enter your account email address and password before being able to access your saved application.
Select “Return to a Saved Application” found at the bottom of our webpage. You will be asked to enter your account email address and password before being able to access your application.
Once the application is completed online, you will need to click the “Review & Submit” button at the bottom of the last page of the application to submit your application electronically on the internet. Once your application has been submitted, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address that you used to create your online grant application account. Please add mail@grantapplication.com to your e-mail address book (or friendly senders) to ensure that messages arrive in your inbox.
All applications must be submitted online. Please do not mail or email any grant requests.
Our online grant applications are certified to work with the following internet browsers:
- Internet Explorer 8 or higher
- Mozilla Firefox (for PC and Mac)
- Safari (for PC and Mac)
- Google Chrome
All browsers should have the latest updates available installed.
Yes, the James M. Cox Foundation online applications place a cookie on your computer to enable the “Save & Finish Later” functionality. Please check the user’s manual for your internet browser to enable cookies if you receive an error message.
Please e-mail coxfoundation@coxinc.com to let us know of an e-mail or address change. Be sure to provide the name of your organization and the old address information in the e-mail.
No, we do not have grantee kits.
Regretfully, we are unable to provide full funding support for all requests. We receive many more grant requests than we are able to fund. Please wait at least 12 months from your last grant request before submitting a new request.
Organizations must wait at least 12 months from the date of the last application, regardless of its status, before submitting a new request to the Foundation.
If you forget your password, please email the foundation at coxfoundation@coxinc.com to let us know you need a temporary password. An email will be sent to your account email address with a temporary password and an opportunity to create a new password.
If your Account Login is lost, please email the foundation at coxfoundation@coxinc.com to let us know you need a new account created.
Please e-mail your questions to coxfoundation@coxinc.com