Eligibility requirements
If you are interested in being considered for a grant, please review the following guidelines for funding requests:
Eligibility Requirements
- Organizations must be federally tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code with non-private foundation status or an equivalent government entity under section 170 (c)(1).
- Organizations must be located in the United States and in an area where Cox Enterprises or one of its subsidiaries does business. For a complete list of Cox businesses and information on specific locations, view the location map.
- Organizations located outside of metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, must have a letter of endorsement from the Regional Manager or equivalent leader at the local Cox business to submit with the application. For additional information about letters of endorsement, please see below under “limitations.”
- Letters of endorsement for organizations wishing to apply are provided at the local or regional Cox management team’s discretion based upon alignment with local priorities. Preference is given to organizations that have a history of engagement with the local business and its employees.
- Only one request will be considered per organization during a 12-month period. For example, if a request is submitted in March, whether it is approved or declined, another request will not be considered until the following March. Awards for basic operating expenses and support for annual programs usually are not granted.
- We do not provide loans to organizations or individuals. Grants are not provided for the following:
- Scholarships for individual students or nonprofit organizations for the purpose of granting scholarships benefitting an individual;
- Annual operating purposes (includes expenses for salaries, overhead, or other recurring program or administrative costs);
- Seed money, or as the only funding source of an organization;
- Endowment funds;
- Conferences and seminars;
- Fundraising events or sponsorships (dinners, golf tournaments, walks/runs, benefits, raffles, tickets, tables, etc.);
- Organizations whose primary purpose is to influence legislation;
- Political causes, candidates, organizations or campaigns;
- Religious organizations for general operating support, sanctuary construction/renovation or mission-focused work. However, we do consider requests from religious organizations with 501(c)(3) status to provide project-specific social services outreach programs that are not limited to a specific religious affiliation; or
- Organizations or programs that discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, national or ethnic origin, or physical disability.